To Button or Not to Button ... That is the Question

When presented with the opportunity to button your suit coat (or sport coat), sometimes it can be challenging to recall “Now, which button do I button?”.  Well, here is a brief refresher for your convenience;

First, overall, your coat will look best buttoned when standing.  When seated it is proper to unbutton your coat. 

Second, if you are wearing a 2-button coat, button the top and leave the bottom open.

Third, if you are wearing a 3-button coat, you have two options; button the top and middle OR middle only. And, just like the 2-button coat above, leave the bottom one open.

Fourth, in today’s business and business-casual culture, you will find many men not buttoning their coats for whatever reason(s).  However, it is a subtle sign of refinement if you do.

Finally, comfort and proper fit is of the essence, so make sure that your tailor takes into consideration that you may be buttoning the coat.